Saturday, June 09, 2007

Album recording done!

Well folks, the album is officially out of the tracking & mixing stage. I am uploading it to the mastering house as I write this. It's only a matter of time now!

Due to unforeseen time constraints, Kevin Shima's contribution to track 4 (Fully Engaged) ended up being in a consulting capacity. Kevin is in the process of moving his band, Fokushima, to Long Beach, CA (where they will no doubt take the place by storm). This meant that he didn't have as much time to contribute to the song as we wanted. Kevin recorded some rough parts for the song, which gave me some ideas and got me moving creatively. I then recorded some supporting guitar parts, inspired by Kevin's ideas. So he lent his spirit to the song - and I think it is clearly evident if you know his style - but ultimately all the guitars were played by me.

When the album is done being mastered (which should be in about a week) I will upload it to TuneCore, who will forward it to iTunes, Rhapsody, eMusic, Napster, and other sites. This should take about 6-8 weeks from the time I upload it to them. So it looks like the album will be available for download by the end of the summer. However, stay tuned on my MySpace and AcidPlanet pages (see links to right) for chances to hear tracks before the album is officially released.


Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations, buddy! When you move your ass up here, we'll have a celebration!

10:15 AM  

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